Best Node Js Course In Kolkata | PFSkillBuilders

Exclusive Node Js course in Kolkata

Learn in-depth about node js with the PFSKillBuilders node js course in Kolkata. PFSkillBuilders gives you an AI-integrated course curriculum according to industry standards. Learn about the topic from scratch with the help of our experienced instructors who will teach you everything required to succeed in modern web development.

  • Live Practical Classes
  • Work on Live Projects
  • Theory+Practical Examination
  • Interview Preparation
  • 1:1 Mentoring
  • Placement Assistance

Key Features Of PFSkillBuilders Node Js Course In Kolkata

Personalized Mentorship:- Learn about node js through 1:1 mentorship and interactive discussions allowing you to study more. 

Job Assistance:- Get your most desired job designation with PFSkillBuilders 100% guaranteed job assistance.

Elite Certification: Secure your road to success with PFSkillBuilders' globally recognized certification. The certificate symbolizes your greatness and fluency with node.js

Real-life Projects:- Build experience on node js by working on real-life projects to get hands-on experience.

24/7 Support:  Our team of skilled teachers to solve your doubts about topics taught in class or assist you in landing your dream job!

Major Things Learned in our Node JS Course In Kolkata

The main goal of PFSkillBuilders is to make you proficient in Node JS and help you cover everything that will help you succeed in the web development field.

Module 1: Nodejs Introduction

Module 2: Node.js Environment Setup

Module 3: Node.JS Package Manager

Module 4: Call-backs in Nodejs

Module  5: Events in Nodej

Module 6: Error Handling

Module 7: NodeJs and Buffers

Module 8: Streams in Nodejs

Module 9: Nodejs Framework ExpressJs

Module 10: in Nodejs

Module 11: NoSql: MnngoDb

Module 12: Working with Nodejs/Express and MongoDB

Module 13: Blog Project with Nodejs/Mongo and Express

Start Your Learning Journey In 5 Easy Steps

Step 1:- Communicate with our Counsellors:-  Get thorough details about the course and clear all your doubts in regards to the curriculum.

Step 2:- Take a Free Demo Class:- By attending a free demo class in the start learn how the 

Learn how the classes will be taken by booking a free demo class.

Step 3:- Complete the Enrollment process:- After receiving the course details, fill up the application form and further details.

Step 4:- Submit Enrollment Fees:- Choose the method of fee payment. At first, you have to pay only the first instalment and the remaining later on.

Step 5:- Get Started with the course:- After the successful completion of the course, receive more information on the course and start your learning journey.

Join PFSkillBuilders Job-Ready Program Now!

Node JS can make your life as a developer easier. Thus, if you aim to take the Node JS course in Kolkata then it should be from the best like PFSKillBuilders. Book a free demo class to acquire knowledge on how our industry expert professionals will teach you the entire course. PFSkillBuilders has the best team of professionals present in the market, to teach you all about the subject through our AI-integrated course modules.

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